
Orientation Course in Research Methodology

There is resurgence of interest across the globe on the holistic therapies such as Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy & Yoga, Unani, Siddha etc. These systems are also being criticised for inadequate scientific evidences due to poor documentation. Thus there is a paradoxical situation where in on one side there is increase in demand and another side there is a concerted effort to label these age old traditional practices as unscientific.

To bridge this gap, SOUKYA Foundation has introduced Certificate course through Distance Learning mode on Research Methodology. This course is mainly intended to empower the practitioners, teachers and researchers to document their experience in a language acceptable to the scientific community. This is one of the value added courses SOUKYA proposes for enhancing the credibility of AYUSH.

This is an online course and is of 6 months’ duration. The course has two contact programmes of 3 days each. The evaluation will be done by one internal faculty and an external faculty.

The scholars are given self-learning modules at different point in time. They are assessed online regularly. The students have access to video conferencing, DVD lectures and online question papers. They have a unique login ID and password. They have access to our e-library.



Eligibility: Graduates and Postgraduates of all recognized AYUSH systems and also biomedical sciences.

The course is designed to give confidence in venturing into the area of Research. Continuous support is provided online during the extent of the course. This is a wonderful opportunity to align your clinical experiences and evidences in the framework of Research Methodology.

Examination pattern:

The first batch of the course was started on May 1st and the first contact class for this batch was on June 11th and 12th, 2013.